Accompanying sound piece: Tohoku-Illapel, 2017

Sound recordings compiled from three events:

  • Tohoku earthquake (Japan), 11th March 2011. Recorded in Japan and Scotland.

  • Illapel earthquake (Chile), 16th September 2015. Recorded in Chile and Scotland.

  • Tungurhua volcano, (Ecuador), 27th February 2016. Recorded in Ecuador courtesy of IGEPN.


Special thanks to Dr Andrew Bell, University of Edinburgh.

Sound recordings compiled from three events: - Tohoku earthquake (Japan), 11th March 2011. Recorded in Japan and Scotland. - Illapel earthquake (Chile), 16th September 2015. Recorded in Chile and Scotland. - Tungurhua volcano, (Ecuador), 27th February 2016. Recorded in Ecuador courtesy of IGEPN. Special thanks to Dr Andrew Bell, University of Edinburgh.